Friday, June 20, 2008

Objective & Purpose of The Warrior Shrine

The objective and purpose of this blog is to create a shrine to the nature of being a warrior. We will be looking at numerous aspects of "being a warrior", as such a phrase/term is inherently vague. We will look at both the physical, more concrete aspects of warriorship, as well as the more abstract, psychological and even spiritual dimensions. There is no set "end" in mind, as this will be an ongoing study - in this way a Blog is a suitable medium.

Foreseeable topics/posts:

- What is Courage?
- Discussion of relevant literature
- Connections to Leadership
- Connections to Masculinity/Femininity
- Relations to Spirituality and Religion
- The nature of Discipline
- Warriors and Enemies - how do these two concepts relate?
- Sports + Athletics
- Aggression, Force, Drive, Willpower
- Peace, Tranquility, Harmony

Finally: I know I'm speaking somewhat formally now, but that may change over time as well.

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